GOLDWATER AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Ariz. -- Cheers to the New Year! Many people make New Year’s resolutions during this season, which challenge and encourage improvement for the development of one’s character. Self-development inspires people to becoming the best version of themselves and the 161st Air Refueling Wing has a plethora of duties where Airman can exhibit their leadership skills.
“Engaging in additional duties is an excellent way for an Airman to attain team-building attributes,” said Chief Master Sgt. Bert Reid, the 161st Air Refueling Wing’s Command Chief. “Such duties provides Airman the opportunity to learn more about the Wing’s mission and contribute towards its success”. You gain a broader perspective of the Wing’s day-to-day activities and how that creates a positive impact for the entire enterprise, he added.
Reid complimented Senior Master Sgt. Livia Almandos, one of the Wing’s Equal Employment Opportunity Specialists, for volunteering to be the 161st ARW Wing Staff Unit Deployment Manager.
Almandos expressed her enthusiasm for her new task, “I took up the new additional duty not only because it is something that has to be done, but mostly because it gives me an opportunity to learn more about deployment processes. This ultimately allows me to project a positive image for my unit and the air guard as a whole.”
Almandos explained that her UDM duties have helped her display Ambassadorship for the Wing, Arizona National Guard and U.S. Air Force. She said she welcomes the position and is optimistic to advance in her role this New Year.
Reid advises anyone interested in performing additional duties to consult their squadron Command Support Staff personnel for direction on available positions. Such duties include:
Unit Deployment Manager
Unit Training Manager
Physical Training Leader
Increment Monitor
Reid emphasized that one does not have to be a full-time guardsman to have an additional duty.
“My advice is for Airman to volunteer participation in additional duties for the betterment of the installation, which in-turn increases motivation for servant-leadership thus embracing espirit de corps,” said Almandos. “Helping out in this area is rewarding and I’m glad I’m doing it in 2019.”