
161st ARW Religious Affairs Team
Maj. Nathan Tarr
Capt. Joseph Phipps
TSgt Lisa Cimino
TSgt Giselle Salinas
SSgt Gisele Adanlete-Engram

what we can do for you

Confidential Religious Ministry for military member and families 
Someone you can turn to, no matter what 
Private Marital and Family Counseling 
Spiritual Guidance 
Help with Life Issues 
Crisis Intervention 
Suicide Prevention 
A confidential, caring, listening ear

chaplain services

Chaplain Services

Catholic Mass
LRS Conference Room Bldg. 15 Rm. 16
Sunday 0745-0815

Protestant Service
LRS Conference Room Bldg. 15 Rm. 16
Sunday 0700-0730

LDS Service:
Commanders Conference Room Building #10  Sundays - 0700 to 0730

Other Services
If your faith group needs support please contact:
(602) 302-9078