Goldwater Air National Guard Base -- Going to work and doing one’s best is a daily ritual most people perform without expectation of reward beyond a paycheck. The 161st Air Refueling Wing, Comptroller Flight Officer in Charge is no exception, which is why Capt. Maylin White was surprised when it was announced she had been named the Air National Guard’s Budget Officer of the Year for 2018.
“I did not expect it at all,” White said. “You come in and do your work - every single day. It is easy to get into the mundane. You’re coming into work and doing what you are supposed to do - what you are getting paid to do - and then ‘Wow!’ Maybe I’m doing something, making a difference or making a change.”
When asked why she thought she was selected out of all the other ANG budget officers, White immediately said it wasn’t just about her, but a reflection on the whole 161st Comptroller Flight.
“I could not do any of it if it wasn’t for their help,” White said. “It is one big group effort and it just happens that one person is recognized for it.”
One of the Comptroller Flight’s challenges last year was coordinating the start of the Southwest border mission, Operation Guardian Support. Everything had to be pushed out as quickly as possible, such as service members’ orders and travel arrangements, before people could start deploying. White said it was a success because everyone in the Flight did their part.
However, it is evident why Capt. White was singled out and recognized by the seriousness and importance she attributes to every single dollar the Wing spends.
“They may just be pens and pencils, but in reality, they are much more,” White said. “They are someone’s tax dollars and to me, that means a lot.”
This basic principal of being a good steward of taxpayer funds is something fundamental to Capt. White’s work ethic. For Finance personnel, it might just be asking the simple question of what is right and proper for spending money.
“Be confident in the training and knowledge you have,” White said. “We are given the tools to succeed. Success is being able to reach back and to take from what you have learned and apply that to any situation. Just because it is a new situation or new obstacle doesn’t mean you can’t achieve or exceed the expectations.”