161 LRS Prepares for ORI

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Michael Matkin
  • 161 ARW Public Affairs
The 161st Logistics Readiness Squadron played a critical role in preparation for the upcoming Operational Readiness Inspection by simulating a personnel deployment function line during April's UTA.

The PDF line ensures every servicemember sent out the door is fully prepared to support operations downrange. This is done by making certain Airmen are eligible in multiple areas, including medical qualifications, general training, and weapons proficiency and have the necessary equipment.

When servicemembers enter the mobility section of the PDF line they first check in at the desk, get their "A" bags, which consist of a sleeping bag, mess kit and utensils, ammo pouch, medical kit and bug spray. They then get processed into the chalk, which are the groups of people who are flying on each particular aircraft. Finally, they visit multiple stations to get their chemical gear. At the end of the mobility PDF line, servicemembers have their bags inspected to make sure they are in order and complete.

PDF line servicemembers must work to complete each chalk within the set time. To manage and synchronize the process timing of every chalk, strict timelines have been established by the Deployment Control Center.

"To make things flow more smoothly and timely, we have the items and the different sizes separated into individual boxes," said Master Sgt. Rose Robinson, 161st LRS supply technician. "For example, gloves are all in one box and parkas are all in one box. This ensures that things flow smoothly and quickly."

Exercises are conducted to ensure success when the real-world events transpire and the unit is tasked with deployments.

"It is really important that we practice this so we can work out the bugs, so that during the ORI it goes as smoothly as possible," said Tech. Sgt. Geoffrey Blank, 161st LRS mobility NCO in charge. "Obviously, the more we practice, the better we get. More importantly, the more comfortable we are with the process, the better we can explain questions processing servicemembers may have."