GOLDWATER AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Ariz. -- The kick off of school and football, is indicative of fall coming and going much too fast! Before you know it, the team who will earn the Super Bowl ring will be of no surprise, and your child’s senior prom will soon be over. Sometimes, enduring a lengthy southwest summer can make a person wish at its end, to be catapulted into the southern hemisphere! What if God allowed us to switch hemispheres each September? Go with me as our imaginations takes us into spring…
God has declared that we have an adversary who wants to steal our time, kill our desires, and destroy the very thing that brings peace to our souls. We can refute this negativity by experiencing a rebirth with the wisdom of God – knowing that each new September – brings days we have never seen before. In fact, babies are born, dreams come true, and new relationships are created.
You can never go wrong when you take time out for yourself. When you love yourself, you can easily give that same love away to others. Spend time meditating and doing periodic internal inventory. Try not to keep score of things done wrong to you, but always look for the best in those around you. Always be grateful for what you have and never give up on self!
If you fail to do what you know is right, you are deceived. Your life is important to God and he is able to help you make 180 degree turn towards him to fix whatever needs fixing in your life. We have all made a mistake or two and will continue making mistakes. The take away is to never repeat the same mistake twice. If you hurt someone once, apologize and try to make things right the first time.
No, we all can’t migrate back and forth between the northern and the southern hemispheres, but we can live our lives in such a way that transforms us to know time does not matter. God reminds us every September to enjoy the simple pleasures in life when we experience a rebirth in our hearts; rejuvenation in our bodies; and renewal in our minds, in order for time to stand still for a moment.
Happy First Day of Autumn!